
favorite colors:

Red and blue

Favorite children's song:

It starts!" by RADAU

Favorite children's book:

As a reading book "The Little Prince" because it grounds me in a wonderfully simple way and the story helps to reduce the everyday chaos to what is actually important - a good compass for big and small and everyone in between.

As a picture book "Schnabbeldiplapp - ein wasserscheue Bilderbuch" - it embodies the attitude "just do it, maybe it'll be fine" with heart, a pinch of humour, understanding and a bit of daring.

These three things...

… must not be missing if I were stranded on a lonely island with the kids of the Wilden 15.

  • The guitar - for the entertainment of the children and for my mental hygiene so that I don't go crazy.
  • A machete – to build shelters, open coconuts and implement all the kids’ creative ideas
  • firesteel - for warmth and incredibly cozy campfire story nights under the stars

why am i wild

Phew, good question, that's probably what the people around me could judge best. My parents might have said back then, "because she always climbs up everywhere and goes close to all abysses". I myself feel wild because I like to accept life with all its heights and often quite strenuous obstacles as a challenge and inspiration. Most of the time you can do more than you ever thought possible and that's the best feeling in the world!

Accompanying children fits perfectly into the roller coaster ride of emotions and it never gets boring. The question is mostly not if anything works at all rather How? Off to new adventures - somewhere, the world is big - let's take a little risk and if we fall down we'll get up again someday!

I like to do that with children

Rewrite songs in the garden, play the guitar, practice climbing, implement "unrealistic ideas", drive to Lindersberg, experience borderline experiences and feel what that does to us, nonsense and a cuddly ball after the afternoon rest.

Shortly: intrinsically motivated movement and creating something creative that was not there before - inventing things.

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